Hook-me write up
Syria National CTF (Finals)
Hook-me challenge
we had an android app named hook-me, back to the time of the competition we solved the challenge by de-compiling the apk and patching the smali code then recompile the app and signing it to get the flag , since that time i felt there should be another way to solve it using hooking so i decide to write this write-up after finding the second way to solve this hook-me .
by de-compiling the apk and viewing its source code using apktool and dex2jar or simply using Jadx
if you have no idea what i'm talking about then i recommend you read this guide
Android App Reverse Engineering 101
then back to continue reading this post.
when you view the source code you will see the following :
as you see we have to change DoSomeMagic(55); to DoSomeMagic(256);
then the flag will be displayed so to do this without patching the apk we can use a great tool called Frida but i never used it before so i have to read the documentation
after spending some time reading the doc i could solve it by hooking the DoSomeMagic function and changing the argument (55) to (256)
first we have to install Frida-tools to python using the following command :
pip install frida-tools
then we have to install frida-server to the emaluater we will use or to your own device but make sure first to have a rooted one in order to avoid some issues that might happen on un-rooted androids .
you can install the frida server by downloading it from
and uncompress it.
after that you have to push it to the device using adb then run it as follow :
now we should have our frida server runing and we are ready to inject our script into hook-me app
that will be done using java script
and for injecting the js script i used python (you can inject it directly using frida commands )
now lets see the injecting in action ^_* :
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